wrightsville beach magazine contributors
www.wrightsvillebeachmagazine.com WBM
Jason Frye
Writer, golden Care: The Changing Face
of Geriatric Medicine — Page 25
A West Virginia native, Jason Frye moved to
Wilmington to pursue his MFA in creative
Writing at UNCW. After graduation, he stayed
in town, working as a freelance writer, editor
and creative coach. He and his wife, Lauren,
founded Explore Creative Writing, a commu-nity-
based writing workshop. When he’s not
writing about the people and places in our
region, he’s exploring it by land and sea. He
and his wife live in Wilmington with their cat,
Ernestine Brown.
Kathryn Cook
Writer, How Healthy is Your Smile?
— Page 20
A North Carolina native, Kathryn received her
bachelor’s degree in journalism from UNC-Chapel
Hill. A public relations professional
by trade, she enjoys freelance writing in her
spare time. When she’s not working or writ-ing,
Kathryn can be found cooking, reading or
running in the beautiful Forest Hills neighbor-hood.
She currently lives in Wilmington with
her husband, Richard, and their charming cat,
James Buster.
Stephanie Miller
Writer, Hair & Nail Health — Page 16
A regular contributor to Wrightsville Beach
Magazine, Stephanie Miller is continuing her
freelance career while enjoying the warm
Southern culture and the sunny beach com-munity.
Having made lots of stops along the
way — Philadelphia and a degree in Russian,
theater in San Francisco, master’s degree in
journalism, corporate public relations, raising
two great guys, home décor buyer — she is
delighted to be right where she is.
Angie Davis
Hair Stylist, Hair & Nail Health — Page 16
Angie Davis, owner of Indigo Salon and Spa, the
new organically infused salon on Harbor Island,
grew up green. For Davis, raised on a farm in
West Virginia, being eco-friendly isn’t so much of
a trendy thing — it’s a way of life. Angie brings
her knowledge of natural and organic hair care
to the area. She hopes to enhance her clienteles’
salon experience and also offer an organic
option for hair color and style because that is the
way of the future.
Emily Colin
Writer, The Amazing Power
of Superfoods — Page 69
Regular WBM contributor Emily Colin lives in
a renovated Craftsman bungalow built in the
early 1900s, with one 5-year-old, two large dogs
and a musician. Her identities include mom,
freelancer for the DREAMS Center for Arts Edu-cation
and other nonprofits, editor and writer.
She holds a BA in psychology from Duke Uni-versity
and is currently completeing her mater’s
degree in Youth Development. In her spare
time, she reads obsessively, writes as the spirit
moves her and eats good food.