North Carolina Holiday Flotilla Launch Party
The 27th annual North Carolina Holiday Flotilla, one of the “Top 20 Must-See Events in the Southeast,” brought an estimated 50,000 people
to Wrightsville Beach on Friday, November 26, and Saturday, November 27. The much anticipated event began on Saturday, November 6,
with the 5K Run/Loop Walk. The 5K was sponsored by Keith Beatty and Bobbi Brandon of Intracoastal Realty. The Flotilla Launch Party was
held on Friday night at The Blockade Runner Beach Resort. Music by The Four Nights entertained the captains, crews, other attendees and special
guest Miss North Carolina Adrienne Leigh Core. Saturday started with the Festival in the Park at Wrightsville Beach Park, and Saturday evening
people lined the docks, bridges and decks to watch the parade of lighted boats. This year’s grand prize, a trip to Jaco Beach, Costa Rica, went to
Paula Sturdy and Van Marr, the captains of Reel Hot. “The best part is seeing how creative the captains can get each year. The boats are always so
spectacular,” says Ashley Miller, co-chair of the Flotilla Committee.
WBM january 2011
By Ashley Peel | Photograp hy by Joshua Curry
social seens
1 Betty Garner, Dr. Anne Allen, Kathy Gresham,
Denise and Joe Szaloky, Michelle Parkin, Amanda
Chance 2 Curtis and Patti Westbrook, Susan and
Bob Collins 3 Kimberly Goad, Dr. Ken White,
Pam Stevens 4 Bob and Katie Lorenz 5 Tony and
Dee Luckman, John Andrews 6 Jim Wallace, Rick
Crowder 7 Miss North Carolina Adrienne Leigh
Core, Beverly Core 8 Mr. and Mrs. Santa Clause
9 Tonya Blalock, George Vargha, Leslie Hall
3 4
6 7