• Wrightsville Beach Magazine
keeps people informed of
what’s going on in and around
Wrightsville Beach while provid-ing
glimpses of Wrightsville’s
glorious past, so the past will not
be forgotten. In all that we do, we
strive to raise the bar in our dedi-cation
to excellence. Wrightsville
Beach Magazine (ISSN 1937-
9994) is published monthly and
is distributed to the public for
free at hundreds of locations on
and around Wrightsville Beach.
com (ISSN 1938-0003).
• Since 2002, Lumina News
— Wrightsville’s Newspaper
has illuminated Wrightsville
Beach with award-winning
news, beautiful photography
and insightful views of life on
Wrightsville Beach. Lumina News
(ISSN 1937-9978) is published
weekly and is distributed to the
public for 25¢ at locations on
and around Wrightsville Beach.
www.luminanews.com (ISSN
• For distribution locations near-est
you, please call (910) 256-6569.
Subscriptions to Wrightsville
Beach Magazine and Lumina News
— Wrightsville’s Newspaper can
be ordered by calling (910) 256-
6569. A year-long subscription to
Wrightsville Beach Magazine, 12
issues, can be purchased for only
$29.95. A yearlong subscription
to Lumina News — Wrightsville’s
Newspaper, 52 issues, can be pur-chased
for only $42.95 in New
Hanover County or $68.95 out of
Back issues of Wrightsville
Beach Magazine are avail-able
from our office in Harbor
Island Ship Models Bldg.,
7232 Wrightsville Ave. Ste. D,
Wilmington for $5 per issue.
Photography* published in
Wrightsville Beach Magazine is
available for purchase. For siz-ing,
prices and usage terms,
please call (910) 256-6569.
*Some exceptions apply.
Advertising information for all
publications can be obtained by
calling (910) 256-0871 or visiting
the publication’s Web site.
Editor/Publisher Pat Bradford
creative Director &
GraphiC Design Teresa Kramer
Features Editor Richard Leder
Director of Photography Allison Breiner Potter
Photographer Joshua Curry
Homes Editor Marimar McNaughton
Contributing Writers Kathryn Cook
Emily Colin
Jason Frye
Karen Fuller
Nikki McCall
Stephanie Miller
Dorothy Rankin
Features Interns Molly Grennan
Ashley Peel
Sales (910) 256-0871
Senior ACOUNT EXECUTIVE Jill Sabourin
National Sales Manager Pat Bradford
Front office Hannah Wethington
Accounting Nikki McCall
Distribution Drew Shepard
Harbor Island Ship Models Bldg.
7232 Wrightsville Ave. Ste. D
Address all correspondence to:
Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480
www.wrightsvillebeachmagazine.com WBM
Wilmington, NC 28403
Workin4u, Inc.
P.O.Box 1110
Reproduction or use in whole or in part of the contents of this magazine
without written permission of the publisher is prohibited.
©2011 by Workin4u, Inc. All rights reserved.
“ Praise be to Jesus, all Glory and Honor is Yours.”