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redesigning our facilities, redefining staff
roles and looking for ways to improve
the quality of life of our residents.”
Quality of life is something that
Brightmore of Wilmington is focused on
as well. Brightmore offers a continuum
of lifestyle choices, including indepen-dent
living, assisted living and personal
care, that also focuses in improving
quality of like across the board – emo-tionally,
intellectually and physically.
Daily social, recreational and educa-tional
programs are an important part of
the Brightmore close-knit community
philosophy. Peace of mind, security,
companionship and skilled medical
assistance give seniors the feeling of
independence that promotes a pro-active
fitness/wellness lifestyle, the “new” phi-losophy
of senior care of many of the
Port City’s top senior-care facilities.
As proof-positive of their commit-ment
to this philosophical approach
to senior care, The Davis Community
opened their newest building, the
Rehabilitation and Wellness Pavilion in
October. Initially intended to be a reha-bilitation
facility for patients recovering
from joint replacements, bone breaks
and strokes, the scope of the project
changed when they adopted this new
philosophical approach. .
“Our philosophical change was
brought about by two big factors,” Barr
says. “First, we want and need to pro-vide
better care to our long- and short-term
residents and patients. Second,
we listened to the things they wanted.
Everything we’ve done here and every-thing
we do moving forward is in the
interest of treating our aging population
with respect and dignity and serving
them the best we can.”
Physicians practicing in an Internal
Medicine subspecialty like Geriatrics
have completed a four-year under-graduate
degree, four additional
years of medical school, three years
of a residency, plus three to four ad-ditional
years of fellowship training.
There are three doctors with subspe-cialty
fellowship training in Geriat-rics
in New Hanover County:
Agbafe-Mosley, Dorothy
Coastal Family Medicine Center
ECU- Brody School of Medicine, 2010
Birdsong, Jeanne
Lori Birdsong, MD
University of Washington School of
Medicine, 2001
Persaud, Kavita
Carolina Geriatrics
State University of New York at
Buffalo (SUNYAB), 1995
Gen-CHI class at The Davis
Community Rehabilitation
and Wellness Pavilion.