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Wilmington Interfaith Hospitality Network Gala
More than 250 supporters attended the Wilmington Interfaith Hospitality Network
(WIHN) Gala at the Country Club of Landfall on November 19, 2010. This year’s Black
Tie-optional event was themed “An Evening of Magic.” Magician Joshua Lozzoff entertained
guests during the “meet and greet” with his Strolling Magic show. Local author and UNCW
professor Clyde Edgerton was the guest speaker. WIHN, a local organization founded in 1996,
helps rehabilitate families, often aiding single mothers. With the help of more than 30 local
churches, WIHN helps families learn and tackle the responsibilities of life, including finding a
job, learning to budget and saving for affordable living. “We don’t just give them a fish, we teach
them how to fish,” says WIHN vice president Laura Wilson. Each year, the WIHN Gala raises
money to help the organization continue with their mission. This year, the gala netted more than
$35,000 for their programs and services. “This says a lot about human nature. When we’re in
an economic downfall people tend to get more philanthropic. They open their hearts and their
wallets, and we’re so thankful for their generosity,” says Wilson. 1
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WBM january 2011
1 Rich & Sharon Novak, Allan Wilson,
Martha & Gene Palmer 2 Committee
members Nancy McGowan, Mary
Brickles, Sandy Collette, Bo Dean, Laura
Wilson, Laura Williams 3 Larry & Patty
George, Rob Brickles, Lisa & Chris Russ
4 Matt & Brooke Stephens 5 Kelley &
Rev. Bob Bauman, Edie Gleaves 6 Pat
& George Thomas, Nancy Faye Craig
7 County commissioner Rick Catlin,
Kristi Meinhold 8 Eddie & Amy Stuart,
Jeff & Stacy Ward