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95th Annual WBFD Christmas Dinner
On Saturday, December 4, The Wrightsville Beach Volunteer Firefighters Association
hosted the 95th Annual Wrightsville Beach Fire Department Christmas Dinner and
Awards Ceremony at the Oceanic Restaurant. This perennially popular event provides an
opportunity to thank all the WB firefighters, both volunteer members and career employees,
for their service to the community over the past year. Several firefighters were recognized for
exceptional achievements, including Firefighter Marcus Scott, who received the Firefighter of
the Year Award for his outstanding overall contribution to the department, and Firefighter
Matthew Griffith, who received the Service Commendation Award recognizing his consistent
and outstanding service supporting the department’s mission. Service Anniversary Awards were
presented to firefighters Mike Arthur, Steve Lewis and Bill Pearce, each with 5 years of service.
Captain Bill Ivins, who retired from the department earlier this year, was recognized for 30 years
of volunteer service and for his many contributions to WBFD.
www.wrightsvillebeachmagazine.com WBM
1 Chief Frank & Angela Smith 2 Kenneth & Tonya Turner, Erika & Steve Lewis
3 Matthew Griffith, Christina Davis, Dustin Clapp 4 John & Anna Feeley 5 Alderman
Lisa Weeks, Sterling Powell 6 Bill & Raquel Ivins 7 Melissa Sinclair, Andrew Snell
8 Marcus Scott, Bethany Crump
By Richard Leder | Photograp hy by Allison Breiner Pot ter