up front
A new year, a brand
hree of us here on the magazine
and news staff have gotten a
jump on the fitness resolutions
many of you will have made; we’re a few
months into a fitness transformation/chal-lenge
that began in October and involves
WBM homes editor Marimar McNaughton,
Lumina News reporter Trish Matson and
me. You can see our before photos
with our personal trainers on page
12. In just the handful of weeks I
have been working with trainer
LaMaine Williams (I gave the girls
a month’s sporting head start), I
have come to realize how impor-tant
staying in shape is, especially
as the years speed by. Who really
grasps how out of shape they are
until the road to fitness begins?
It is thrilling to be back on the
path to balance and agility I
thought might be gone for me
forever. One of my long term
goals is to downhill ski before
the season ends. Having been
stranded by a snowstorm in
Boone in early December, I’ve
already gotten back on cross
country skis, and how glori-ous
that was skiing the maze
at Moses Cone. This personal
training thing is the BOMB!
Our long-term challenge and trans-formation
will involve more than just
exercise and nutrition and will continue
through May. It will be reported to readers
again in the June issue. In the meantime,
feel free to check in with us on how we
are doing and offer up a word of encour-agement,
if you are so inclined. We’d
appreciate it.
Going right along with that challenge
is our long-awaited annual health issue,
and we’re pleased with what we have
for our readers. Included this year is our
look at some of the area’s Top Docs as
well as the 2011 Best Doctor® List, and
area physicians fellowship-trained in the
specialties (and subspecialties) selected
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Buying, Selling, or Investing, Call Mike
WBM january 2011
for the feature this year.
One of the common threads running
through the comments from doctors and
health care professionals we’ve heard is
the importance of routine exercise for
preventative health-care, recovery from
injury, disease or trauma and combating
the process of aging. (Really everything.)
We trust you’ll also find our look at the lat-est
in geriatric heath informative.
Homes editor Marimar McNaughton
has also brought us the story of architect
Jay DeChesere and what he thought was
his final project and the green path that
led him to a place he didn’t expect to be.
It’s a fabulous issue packed with good
first-of-the-year reading — we’ve even
included the superfoods into our savor
section — we hope you enjoy it.
Have a blessed and prosperous 2011.
May it be our best year yet!
new beginning.
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