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Wrightsville Beach Police Officers Ball 2010
The Wrightsville Beach Police Department Recreation and Benevolent Association hosted
its 32nd annual Officers’ Ball on Saturday, December 4, 2010 at the Holiday Inn. More
than 300 people attended. Sergeant Jason Bishop was recognized for his completion of the
Tactical Training Certificate Program and Sergeant Rob Miller received the Advanced Law
Enforcement Certification. Two reserve officers, Don Zearfoss and Richard Collins, were also
recognized for their retirement from the reserve force. “It’s one of the longest running events in
Wrightsville Beach. The money raised goes to support the families of emergency service work-ers
who have been killed in the line of duty,” says Police Chief John Carey. Local charities also
benefit from the Officers’ Ball, including Toys for Tots and March of Dimes. The Recreation
and Benevolent Fund gratefully accepts donations year-round; those interested in contributing
should contact Beth Parker at (910) 256-7945 x408 or bparker@towb.org.
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1 Chief John & Laura Carey 2 Debbie & Joseph Jewel, Chris & Alex Schwartz
3 Krista & Chris Kelly 4 Meredith Price, Shaun & Cathy Appler 5 Jimmy & Angie
Rouse, Amy & Paul Maultsby 6 Katie Ryan, Todd Childers 7 Rob Collins, Sabrina
Davis, Alderman Susan & Bob Collins 8 Mandy Kopcsak, Jeremy Eaton
By Ashley Peel | Photograp hy by Allison Breiner Pot ter
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