WBM Top Doctors
Orthopedics/Sports Medicine
An Orthopedic physician
diagnoses and treats prob-lems
with the entire mus-culoskeletal
system, which includes
bones, joints, ligaments, tendons,
muscles and nerves from the base of
the spine all the way down the legs.
“All of these things can have differ-ent
diseases afflict them — trauma or
injury, degenerative processes, infec-tious
processes, metabolic diseases
or congenital abnormalities,” says
WBM january 2011
Dr. Murray K. Seidel with Atlantic
Technology in this specialty of the
medical industry is increasing rapidly,
especially through the development
of medical devices such as bone and
joint implants (hip, shoulder and knee
replacement) and through the devel-opment
of minimally invasive surgery
techniques. The sports-related injury
that affects the highest percentage
of people is a torn rotator cuff, says
“Cape Fear
Hospital is in the
top 10% in the
country in
orthopedic care”
Dr. Murray K. Seidel, Atlantic Orthopedics. Photo by Allison Breiner Potter.