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I explained it to him and I remember
the look on his face was like, ‘Where
are you from?’”
Hemingway laughs at the memory.
“He brought over this drawing —
the drawing was really good and he
had all these mathematics and notes,
and I don’t know what I was think-ing.
I think I was like, ‘Okay ... now
just paint it,’” Hemingway says.
At the same time Edgerton chimes
in, “I think he probably said, ‘just
paint it.’”
They laugh and Hemingway adds,
“I remember being very impressed
“Most art is some
type of benevolent
obsession that
can send you off
the deep end,”
Edgerton says.
chimes in, “Luckily
you rebound back
into society.”
“Yes, you get back
into life. Some
people don’t,”
laughs Edgerton.
with that drawing. It just showed
how much his mind had gotten into
that idea that he was going to create
this thing.”
“Most art is some type of benevo-lent
obsession that can send you off
the deep end,” Edgerton says.
Hemingway chimes in, “Luckily
you rebound back into society.”
“Yes, you get back into life. Some
people don’t,” laughs Edgerton.
The big turning point for Edgerton
was when Hemingway suggested he
should try oil paints.