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Halley White DDS, MPH and Brian Talley DMD
WBM june 2013
WBM: What do you think was different
about your childhood, growing up in
a family with a father who was an
Charlie: The childhood, growing up,
was all about the Depression, very
much so. Father put together things
very well — bicycles, tennis racquets.
Charles: Wasn’t it your mother
who said: ‘Tell me what you think
you need and I’ll tell you how to do
without it.’
WBM: Was there any precept, tenet, or
philosophy that characterized a family
that produced three sons who all became
second-generation architects?
Betty: I think it’s genetic.
WBM: Could we say you’re wired for
Charlie: When I went to architectural
school, occasionally my classmates —
when somebody was asking about me
— they’d say, ‘Oh yeah, he was born
with a golden T-square in his mouth.’
Boney Architecture began with
a two-person office in the Murchison
Building, and moved to the dining
room table during the Great Depression
to the drafting room at 120 South
Fifth Street.
Charlie: My father had a US Navy
contract to survey the site for
Camp LeJeune. He had to have
automobiles for the surveyors. When
the project was over, I had ten 1936
Fords in my backyard. All I had to
do was switch batteries; I didn’t have
but three batteries for all those ten.
Our drafting room was overlooking
my mother’s garden where Dad stored
all those ten Fords. And so in the
drafting room, he said, ‘Charlie, come
in here.’ At that point I had the hood
up on one of those Fords and was
changing the spark plugs. Dad said,
‘Come in here and draw for me and
I’ll hire somebody to put those spark
plugs in.’ That’s how I started out.
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