Above: Proctor Library on the
campus of Flagler College in
St. Augustine, Florida, is one of
Charles Boney Jr.’s favorite projects.
Right: Circa 1980, pictured in front
of 120 South Fifth Street, from left
to right, in the back row, are Paul
Boney, Bill Boney, Charles Boney Jr.,
and Charles Boney Sr. In the front
row are Leslie Boney Jr. and
Sue Ives Boney. Bottom: Landfall’s
non-denominational Frank H. Kenan
Chapel, built and dedicated in 2001,
designed by Paul Boney, is one of
the architect’s favorite projects.
WBM june 2013
Charles Boney’s first project was detailing
his father’s design of Kinston High School.
WBM: What are your favorite projects?
Charlie: Kinston High School, that’s one
of my favorites. All the buildings are in a
geometrical shape. Not just a rectangle,
triangles. … The building I’m proudest of
is Cooperative Savings and Loan at Second
and Market now occupied by First Bank.
The president of the bank let me design
everything for the bank. I tell people, some-what
facetiously, that I actually selected
ashtrays for the building.
The furniture Charlie Boney selected included
Mies van der Rohe’s Barcelona chairs for the
main lobby and an all-glass Barcelona table.
Charlie: The chairs in the small kitchenette
and lounge were small Bertoia chairs.
Charles: The bank was fitted with icons
of modern design. It was the quintessential
modern bank in North Carolina at that time.
Paul: One of my favorite projects was the
Kenan Chapel at Landfall and the other
one would be the house I did for Mr.
Kenan. I really enjoyed working with the
client and that scale of a project. It was
a great collaboration between Mr. Kenan
and Harvey Gunter, an interior designer
in Durham. Harvey is a genius and he
had done two or three homes for Mr.
Kenan and knew what he liked, what they
expected. That’s one of the great things
about architecture is the collaboration
between different design professionals and
that house is a result of that.
Charles: Another thing is the friendships
that Dad’s made, that Paul’s made, that
I’ve made all across the state. Dad was
president of AIA American Institute of
Architects, so was Paul, and his brother
Leslie before him.
Charlie: Charles has been on the board
of AIA and also is president of the Design
Guild of NC State College of Design.
Charles: Dad sort of started a lot of that
relationship with the College of Design.
To put that into perspective, he was one