James W. Lea, Ryan Schultz and Paige Inman are pleased to
announce that The Lea/Schultz Law Firm has been named in
US News & World Report as one of the best law firms in the
country in the area of Family Law for the second straight year.
Mr. Lea has been recognized in “The Best Lawyers in America”
and a “North Carolina Super Lawyer” for eight consecutive
years and has been recognized as an “A” rating attorney as one
of the country’s Pre-Eminent Lawyers since 1996 — seventeen
straight years for such recognition.
Experienced North Carolina Family Law
and Business Litigators
www.wrightsvillebeachmagazine.com WBM
Charlie Boney was 16 at the time
and still in high school. That first
assignment from his father became the
site plan for what is now the Historic
Hannah Block USO.
Charlie: It was a prototype USO. All
we had to do was site it.
The year was 1940. It was Charlie
Boney’s first project. He used a
T-square to complete the drawings on
36-inch paper. The drafting room had
been an addition on the back of the
family’s three-story home.
Paul: It’s where we ate Sunday
lunch, Thanksgiving, Christmas.
Sunday lunches, all the kids would
go downstairs and play in the office.
We’d color, we would draw.
Charles: Sometimes erase.
Charlie: Their grandmother
Mary Lily Hussey of Wallace would
very often have them for lunch on
Sunday and when lunch was over
they’d go down in the drafting room
and started using the T-square.
Charles: It was normal to us.
Paul: Trust me, we had a very
normal childhood. There were just
options to entertain yourself and play
that maybe was different.
WBM: When did you first know you would
pursue architecture as a career?
Paul: I was probably 12 or 14. I
was intrigued. I was drawn to it by a
natural inclination to be able to draw
and watching Uncle Charles, Daddy
and Uncle Les do what they did.
Paul’s first project was NCNB,
now Bank of America, at the corner
of Oleander Drive and Independence
WBM: Is it fair to say that your family’s
hallmark is designing spaces the public
will use as opposed to private residences?
Charles: One of the great things our
grandfather Leslie Boney Sr. did
was finding that niche in education.
The Lea/Schultz Law Firm, P.C.
1131-B Military Cutoff Rd, Wilmington, N.C. 28405
theleaschultzlawfirm.com • t: 910-239-5990 • f: 910-239-5992