up front
We have a classic
Hinckley, Libertas,
on our cover this
issue that will have
you longing for that first boat ride of the
summer if you have not been out on the
water already. To get you in the mood,
her owner and best friend got her out for
an afternoon cruise, and Dawn Moffitt
styled up a picnic for us prepared by
Dockside’s executive chef Scott Grimm.
We have featured
various boats on
our covers over
the years, but a
personal favorite
was published in
January 2001
when we featured
a painting of a
Civil War blockade
runner fast aground
in the surf of what
today is Pleasure
Island. That
story about the
blockade runners
— Captain John
Newland Maffitt and
the lost gold sword said to lie buried off
of Wrightsville’s south end — debuted
our commitment, more than a decade ago,
to bringing readers the fascinating history
of the region. This month that tradition
continues as master local historian
Dr. Chris E. Fonvielle Jr. tells the story of
the grounding of that ship, The Modern
Greece. I am confident you’ll enjoy it.
Also in this issue, the story of a close
friendship that grew following random
purchases during a silent auction will
tickle your funny bone. Two local profes-sional
Architect and artist Chip Hemingway reveals his quick draw of
publisher Pat Bradford.
men, a commercial architect and
a noted author, each well-known and
admired in his respective career, share the
same passion for landscape painting.
It’s our soft nod to fathers everywhere
during this month when we honor ours.
Lumina Commons,
next to Harris Teeter
Special Daily and Weekly
Visitor Rates Available
WBM june 2013
What better time to sit down with two
generations of Boney menfolk to unravel
the history of a clan of architects, the early
beginnings of a family-owned firm and
its contributions to Wilmington’s built
environment. If dynasty defines one family’s
rule from one generation to the next, then
the term fits the Boney legacy that dates
back to the 1920s up until the 21st century.
And then on to Nantucket, well not
actually, but this month’s featured home
on the Intracoastal Waterway borrows
its bone structure from the sturdy
styles that anchored New England’s
rocky coast. The exquisitely crafted
Nantucket baskets we discovered, also
inspired by that famed New England isle,
were handmade here in the Cape Fear
area. You’ll not want to miss either.
Page by page, the stories are beautifully
photographed, eloquently written and
expertly edited and designed to bring you
with us on this journey into the high season!
Untie the lines and get going, it’s time
for a boat ride!
Have we got a story for you.
1962 Eastwood Road, Wilmington, N.C. 28403
910.509.3044 • crestfitness.com