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WBM june 2013
Sitting in his living room, sur-rounded
by several of his paintings,
Edgerton recalls his first encounters
with Hemingway when he sought
advice for his early work.
“I remember taking a painting to
Chip in his driveway — a painting
of a typewriter sitting on a deck and
it was so bad. And he said, ‘Why
don’t you put some reflections of the
keys in here?’ And when I looked at
the photograph that I was working
from, there were the reflections that
I had not seen. So I started learn-ing
how to see one color reflects off
“He brought over
this drawing —
the drawing was
really good and
he had all these
mathematics and
notes, and I don’t
know what I was
thinking. I think
I was like, okay...
now just paint it.”
another color and how reflections
work. It’s just a matter of the details
that you can’t see when you start
painting. You paint what you see and
it’s terrible. Then you start seeing
things,” he says. “One thing Chip
said to me is when you start paint-ing,
don’t paint what you see, you
paint what you know. So I started
doing that.”
Edgerton says an obsession with
cars is what triggered his interest in
“I had some mathematical for-mulas
figured out about how to do
distances between tail lights and all
this math stuff figured out. And I
remember I showed it to Chip, and
5814-2 Oleander Drive • Wilmington, N.C. 28403 • 910-523-5790
theredtulip5814@gmail.com • www.theredtulipshop.com
Open Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a.m - 5 p.m.
Landfall Center, Wilmington - 910.256.3256