Top: To be completed in 2013, the architecture of the Cape Fear Community College Union
Station, designed by LS3P Associates Ltd., was inspired by the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad office
building that once anchored the same corner at Front and Red Cross streets. Bottom: The interior
of the Wilmington Convention Center, designed by LS3P, frames views of the Cape Fear River.
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it was well built, and second, the
public loves it. You can’t imagine today
the thought of tearing down a building
like that.
New Hanover High School was the
project that brought Leslie Boney to
Wilmington in 1922.
Charlie: Then we added on Brogden
Hall to that particular facility.
Paul: One of the legacies of our firm is
that all three generations have touched
that building. Charles and Chris and
I did a renovation of the building ten
years ago.
There are multiple generations of
architects, and not just us, but people
that Charlie attracted to the practice as
it began to grow that were very talented
architects that became that family of
Boney Architects.
Charlie: I brought three young
architects from NC State with me
when I graduated. They stayed and
became architects on their own in
Wilmington: Herb McKim, Frank
Ballard and Bob Sawyer.
Paul: That’s the other legacy of the
firm, the number of firms that have
become, graduated and gone on to
found their own very successful firms
on the basis of the things that Charlie,
Uncle Les and Daddy taught. One thing
that you get, that always comes through
is that sense of integrity — that sense
of doing the right thing for all the right
reasons; that’s one thing you’ll always
get from my Uncle Charles; he’ll always
tell you the truth, always had that sense
of integrity that is so important when
dealing with the public, and they knew
that they could trust him.
That integrity, Paul says, has to do
with the way Charlie Boney practices his
architecture and the way he lives his life
every day.
Paul: It really is a great thing when
you’re doing public buildings, and
they’re trusting you with millions
of dollars.