Bicycle & Crunches
Muscles worked Abs and obliques.
The gist, Bicycles Stretch out on back, hands behind head.
Bring right knee up to touch left elbow, twisting as you go and then left elbow to right
knee. A right and left count as one repetition.
The gist, Crunches
Starting from the same
position but bent knees.
Raise head and shoulders
while holding abs tight.
Start with 10-15 reps.
Muscles worked Strengthens and tones the abs.
The gist Lean back while bringing knees to chest, then extend the legs while coming
forward slightly. Start with 10-15 reps.
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Muscles worked With squats you are
working the larger muscles, so in turn
you burn more calories.
The gist Standing with feet a little
wider than shoulder-width apart, squat
as if you were sitting on a chair, then
pushing from the heals return to the
starting position. Repeat. Start with 10-
15 reps.