savor — guide to dining on the azalea coast
New Hanover County Sheriff Ed McMahon
T he hectic schedule of a county lawman does not leave
much time for Sheriff E d M cM ahon to eat out often. H e
frequently prepares a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to
take with him to work, but when he and his wife dine it is
always a special occasion.
What kind of food do you typically like to order when you
go to a restaurant?
EM “I am a very meat and potatoes kind of guy, and I love
Italian food. M y wife actually does the ordering for me,
because she knows exactly what I will like since I am a very
simple eater.”
Where did you have your favorite meal in Wilmington?
EM “I loved the chicken parmigiana at O steria C icchetti. I
love to try the chicken parmesan at any Italian restaurant I
go to, so this was my first choice.”
Was it just the dish that was so memorable, or was it the
entire restaurant experience?
EM “T he chicken parmigiana is fantastic, but I think
O steria C icchetti has all the overall ambience … along with
... great service; that really makes it a special occasion.”
The Dish T enderized chicken cutlet dredged in egg and
fresh bread crumbs, fried and topped with the house
pomodoro sauce and melted mozzarella cheese. Served
over spaghetti finished with fresh basil and pecarino