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Jeri L eigh Dearing
Being a glass artist
demands fl xibility,
and fast thinking — skills
Jeri Leigh Dearing likely
acquired and honed
through parenthood. The
mother of six children
the youngest being 15,
she credits her children
with an ever-present
willingness to “roll with
the punches,” which
facilitated her ability to
always work outside of
the home.
Today, Jeri creates
kiln-fused glass art
at her private home
studio, and sells it at
downtown’s River to Sea
Gallery. Her creations
are very personal.
“When someone purchases
a piece of my
art I want them to feel
special — like they have
something unique that
touches their spirit as
it touched mine when
I designed it,” she says.
“It should be as if the
piece has been just waiting
for them to come along and
find it.”
Jeri recently began adding glass powders and
crushed glass to create more organic looking
works. She attributes her success to being her
own woman, living life in her own way and expressing
this through her art. Her mentor, fellow
glass artist and teacher Robert Leatherbarrow,
inspired her with memorable advice: “What is
rule number one? There are no rules!” — a quip
she evokes to ward off orry about making
mistakes or wasting materials.
It’s this willingness to try and fail that
brings freedom and inspiration to her work.
“Creating fused glass is an ongoing learning
experience. There are fragile and often unpredictable
properties of the glass with heat,
and I could never find a boring moment in its
exploration,” she explains.
Blue Moon Glass Art
Work available at River to Sea Gallery
225 Water Street, downtown Wilmington