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T he Balding Brothers, a trio
of siblings — T im, Ian
and N ick — grounded
their historic renovation business in
their downtown W ilmington cabinet
Instigator T im Balding, now attends
Savannah C ollege of A rt and D esign
where he pursues a degree in architecture.
Ian Balding oversees the firm’s
historic renovation projects. A lthough
it was his older brothers who started
the company, it’s N ick Balding who
holds the enterprise together.
“T hey’re the craftsmen, and I’m
basically the business guy,” laughs
N ick, who focuses on sales and
“W ood is really an awesome
medium because you can do almost
anything with it; you just have to be
creative,” N ick says.
T im cut his teeth in the cabinetmaking
trade about 10 years ago.
“I was really lucky in the early part
of my career to work under some fantastic
craftsmen and cabinetmakers in
the N ew Y ork area,” T im says, adding
that he also worked in C alifornia as an
apprentice. “T hrough all of that I’ve
really learned the craft of cabinetmaking
and really learned to enjoy the
hands-on working in the shop.”
T im taught his two brothers all he
knows. O riginally starting their business
as a real estate investment company,
they completed several showcase projects.
Soon after, the Balding brothers
were recognized for the quality of their
“For the most part our main focus
has always been renovations and
remodeling… historic houses downtown,”
N ick says. H e emphasizes
the importance of blending the new