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Just three years ago, board certified dermatologist Dr. Rosalyn
George helped found the Wilmington Dermatology Center
with a goal of making personal service a daily mission. Today,
R osalyn George, MD
Wilmington Dermatology Center
the practice enjoys fantastic success, and even plans to expand the
office to add new services and an additional provider. Her philosophy
on business and on life — the best advice she ever received
— has helped shape her career and entrepreneurship: “Never compromise
on what you know is right. I always try to do the best for my
“What has made us so successful during the past few years is
our dedication to providing exceptional service and care to our
patients,” Rosalyn explains. She adds that everyone has a different
opinion about what this means. For Wilmington Dermatology
Center it boils down to individualized attention, responsiveness
710 Military Cutoff Rd, Suite 320, Wilmington
and making sure it is providing patients with the latest treatments
and best available care. Rosalyn mentions advancements such as
utilizing electronic medical records, introducing some truly amazing
treatments such as CoolSculpting, and direct involvement in clinical
research trials as just some of the ways of keeping up with the evolving
world of medicine.
“I do my best to listen to our patients’ needs and create a tailored
plan for them,” she says, “And if we do this while having fun and
laughing occasionally, all the better.”
Rosalyn enjoys being involved in the community, frequently
donating her services and making financial contributions to several
local charities. And in her spare time, she enjoys water activities with
her two children ages 4 and 6 — “With sun protection, of course.”
WBM october 2011
(910) 256-4350
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