8115 Market St. Ste 204
Just minutes from Wrightsville Beach
(910) 686-1869
Anna M alia A yers hadn’t even been in A tlanta for two weeks before her best friend
introduced her to A ndrew M ark O ’Brien. T he two hit it off immediately and
have been together ever since.
A ndrew popped the big question in 2009 when the two were visiting his family at their
L ake M ichigan cottage. H eaded to the beach for impromptu family portraits, A ndrew and
A nna walked ahead of the O ’Brien clan, which had strategically fallen behind.
“E veryone in his family and mine knew that the proposal was coming,” says the happy
bride who had no idea that her life would change that September day. A s A ndrew got
down on his knee, his father secretively took pictures of the entire moment.
A nna and A ndrew exchanged rings at a W rightsville Beach ceremony on July 31, 2010.
D own the sandy aisle, A nna carried orchids designed by her G reat A unt R eta Beck.
T he reception was a memorable one for the newlyweds and guests. A photo booth was
set up and guests donned wigs, fuzzy fur hats and fake mustaches for the evening. Found
nowhere but on the dance floor, A nna and A ndrew had the time of their lives before jetting
off to M aui for an incredible honeymoon.
A nna, who works for AT &T , and A ndrew, who works for a commercial real estate
company, have plans to travel in the future but right now are just enjoying life in A tlanta.
The Elements Ceremony Site: Wrightsville Beach Public Beach Access 43, Reception Site:
Holiday Inn Resort, Rehearsal Dinner Site: Bluewater Grill, Rentals: A Tent Event, Photography: KMI
Photography, Videography: Life Stage Films, Wedding/Event Planner: Salt Harbor Designs, Officiant:
Ron Lewis, Weddings of Topsail, Gown/Veil: David’s Bridal, Shoes: White House Black Market, Hair:
Melissa Slegner, Makeup: Chelsea Caukin, Bridesmaid Dresses: David’s Bridal, Formalwear: Calvin
Klein, Invitations: Wedding Paper Divas, Flowers: Bride’s Great Aunt (Ceremony) and Salt Harbor
Designs (Reception), Catering: Holiday Inn Resort, Cake: Eat Dessert First, Music: The Magnificents
Band, Favors: Donation to the Longevity Foundation, Transportation: The Wilmington Trolley
Company, Accommodations: Holiday Inn Resort, Honeymoon: Maui, Hawaii
www.wrightsvillebeachmagazine.com WBM
Anna& andrew
July 31, 2010
www .kmifoto. co m