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Since she was seven years old, Kristin Main has wanted to be a
“I always wanted to make people’s smiles better,” she says.
Today, Kristin practices with Dentalworks, providing all phases of
general dentistry including tooth-colored fillings, root canal therapy,
crowns, bridges, implant restorations, dentures, partial plates and
Invisalign invisible braces.
Her philosophy is to practice conservative dentistry with compassion
and ease for all of her patients. Kristin is well versed in valuable techniques
of advanced dentistry, such as implant dentistry and advanced
oral surgery techniques; she is also skilled in medically clearing patients
prior to medical surgeries.
One of her favorite aspects of the dental profession includes helping
many adults and children every day see long term results in the short term.
Dr. Kristin L . Main
5225 Sigmon Road, Suite 130, Wilmington
“Everyone has to go to the dentist at some point,” she says. “So I
have an extremely diverse array of clients.”
Talking with her patients to determine the best course of treatment
is very important to Kristin, who appreciates the social and advisory
roles a dentist must play.
“I truly take a dedicated interest in the healthy smile of every one of
my patients,” she says.
An active beach volleyball player and occasional coach (for Ashley
High School) in her spare time, Kristin also appreciates the physical
aspect of being a dentist.
“I could never sit at a desk all day,” she admits.
Dr. Main counts her mother and grandmother as mentors who
provided inspiring examples of hard-working women who made their
own way.
www.wrightsvillebeachmagazine.com WBM