obby Williams, owner of Country Corners
Farm, sells herbs and vegetables through
Down East Connect, an online service that
connects consumers with local growers.
“Our best-selling herbs are rosemary, spear-mint,
B Intracoastal Realty Corporation
910-620-8181 (M)
910-256-4503 (O)
Realtor® N.C.
License #58623
WBM july 2013
chocolate mint, basil, purple basil and
comfrey,” Williams says. Comfrey, often used in teas and tonics for heal-ing,
is said to help heal broken bones.
Rosemary is a very popular plant and herb. “It’s used for so many things
— tea, tea for bathing, kabob sticks. It’s supposed to be good for medicinal
purposes. It’s the plant of remembrance,” Williams says.
For grilling kabob sticks, Williams says you can cut one of the stems
about eight or ten inches long. “It doesn’t hurt it to prune it back. Just
take the outer bark off and it makes a pretty little stick,” he says.
Rosemary is easy to grow once you get it established, Williams says. Just
make sure you offer good drainage. “Rosemary is a very hardy plant but
you don’t want to put it anywhere wet,” he says.
Above, clockwise from top
left: chives, cilantro, rosemary,
parsley, farmers’ market plants,
and oregano. Right: Martha
Campagna of Down East Connect
dropping off at Cameron Art
Museum. Opposite: Catherine
and Nick Balding have found
containers are good choices for
growing some herbs.
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