Beach Pea ©2013 Porsche Cars North America. Porsche recommends seat belt usage and observance of all traffic laws at all times.
LOA: 13 feet
Beam: 4 feet
Draft: 4 inches
Mast: 11.5 feet
Materials: quarter-inch
marine plywood and fir
Designer: Doug Hylan
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He also added wooden cleats to
secure the lines while tacking and a
ratchet block that “pulls in easy but lets
out hard,” he says.
The traditional Pea Pod fishing dory
is a solo operation inshore, holding up
to three crew or passengers, or is one
among a fleet of tenders for a larger
boat. Loaded onboard and carried out
to sea, the Pea Pods are lowered into
the water for fishing a long hand line.
Fishermen return to the mother ship
with the catch.
Last spring, Humphrey and friends
used the Pea-Quod this way. Sailing
a bigger boat with the Pea-Quod in
tow from Beaufort, he says, “We got
up there to Cape Lookout Bight. In
there’s a giant basin. It’s way out in
the ocean. You’ve got a whole lot of
breeze blowing at it but it’s protected;
there’re no waves.”
They anchored the larger cruising sail-boat,
launched the Pea-Quod and sailed
around the bight for about six hours.
“As the sun was going down, fish
were feeding and we’d just sailed
through and catch a fish on the hand
line, sail through again and catch
another one.”
On the return trip, Humphrey sailed
the Pea-Quod in the open ocean from
Cape Lookout back to Beaufort.
“It’s got a certain historic pedigree
that anybody who sees you rowing
or sailing has to comment on it,”
Humphrey says. It’s the essence
of boat.”
Porsche of Fayetteville
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3211 Bragg Blvd. Fayetteville, N.C. 28303