savor — guide to food & dining on the azalea coast
How does your
g agrrdowen?
By Brandy Brinson Y Photography by Joshua Curry
Easily grown in
containers, herbs require
little tending yet offer big
benefits. Fragrant and beautiful,
they are not only ornamental,
but add flavor to cooking
and offer nutritional
rowing herbs is easier than you might think, especially if you purchase
already-started seedlings from local nurseries and plant them in containers.
Find the perfect spot on the back porch, water every few days, and clip when
you want to add a burst of flavor. Local foodies offer cooking tips and ideas for
simple summer thirst-quenchers, like infused waters and flavored teas.
Nick Balding, a general contractor who specializes in historic restoration and
remodeling, started a garden with his wife Catherine about a year ago. They grew cilantro and chives
from seed, as well as purchased transplants from Shelton Herb Farm, including basil, parsley and
“Get good transplants at the beginning of the year, and then it’s really easy,” says Nick Balding. “An herb
garden is really easy to do in containers — I think that makes it more approachable for a lot of people.”
The Baldings keep most of their herbs in a moveable box.
“The idea is that you can move that closer to the house and be able to walk out the door and grab
a little bit of this, a little bit of that, while you’re cooking and then go back in and cook. So it’s really
accessible and easy,” he says.
“I’ve always been interested in growing things — especially growing your own food, knowing where
your food comes from and being able to tend the earth. And it’s a fun thing to do with my wife. It’s a
nice way to spend the time outside, and it’s fun to watch them grow,” Balding says. “It makes you feel
in touch with the earth.”
Top: A moveable container makes herbs accessible. Sweet bay offers flavor for a range of dishes. Peet pots
help when starting from seed. Opposite: Purple basil, chocolate mint and spearmint are some of the fresh
herbs on offer from Country Corners Farm through Down East Connect.
WBM july 2013