HOLLYWOODeast behind the scenes
By Sarah Andrew
Top: From left Christopher V. Bromley line producer/unit production
manager, Peter Waggoner dolly grip, and Dan Turek focus puller on the
set of “Tammy” at the Blue Post, Wilmington, North Carolina. Above:
Chris Henchy, executive producer "Tammy" and Christopher V. Bromley,
line producer/unit production manager on the set of "Tammy."
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BBQ joint using a rustic, pig-adorned
sign. Bromley stands beneath a tarp,
walkie-talkie in hand, beside director
Ben Falcone, whom he describes as
fantastic. When the call of “Rolling!”
echoes along Water Street, people pause
on the sidewalk to watch the filmmakers
prepare the scene. It’s a reminder, maybe,
that although one may be used to having
movies and TV shows produced here —
residents often who saw “Iron Man 3’s”
Robert Downey Jr. walking downtown,
or met the cast of “Eastbound & Down”
on the UNCW campus — there’s a sort
of intrigue in seeing the crew at work.
These, after all, are the faces behind the
names that will roll in the credits.