home of distinction
WBM july 2013
n this way the living room serves as
a microcosm for the rest of the home
and, not only in color palette, but
also in the handmade North Carolina
products that appoint the space. Like
energy efficiency, buying local is another
initiative the Landises take to heart,
evident in choices like using Hickory
Furniture Company for many of the
pieces in the dining room, and Jessica
Charles swivel rockers set opposite a pair
of Taylor King Marchesa club chairs in
the living room.
Top: This painting greets anyone
entering the front door with a feeling
of ease and relaxation. Bottom: Two
Taylor King Marchesa club chairs sit
on one side on the living room in
front of the fireplace.
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LSL-25-3 HEAR CarolinaBayAd_Wrightsville_4.675x4.8125.v2.indd 1 6/25/12 8:49:35 AM