Kelly Strickland, Broker/Realtor | 910.612.6537
Linda Woods, Broker/Realtor | 910.233.8900
Susan Snider, Broker/Realtor | 910.622.4394
Carey Harris, Broker/Realtor | 910.233.4511
502 N Channel Drive
17 B Columbia Street
Oceanfront Upper Unit
Green Tip
WBM july 2013
Masonboro Skiff
LOA: 15.5 feet
Beam: 6 foot
Draft: 4 inches
Materials: Cypress, white oak and
sapele or African mahogany
25 horsepower engine
Designer: Scott Gifford,
Westport, Massachusetts
near Fort Fisher, across the Cape Fear
to Bald Head Island.
“I like to see land,” Olsen says. “It’s
not a big boat and you have to pick
your days.”
In the early 1990s, Olsen studied boat
building at CFCC under David Flagler’s
direction. Now he operates his own
boat repair business, which is how he
met Heckner, a retired lobbyist, whose
1964 Great Lakes Lyman sleeper, the
Miss Athalia, needed repair.
“When I retired I wanted a job where
I could wear shorts that had a hole in
the leg, maybe four, a T-shirt with a
hole, maybe four, and feel oyster shells
beneath my feet,” Heckner says.
Docked at Bradley Creek Marina,
the Miss Athalia’s bow flare and the
Masonboro Skiff tied next to her are arti-facts
of culture — where geography and
economy converge. The shape of their
hulls tells the story of the waterway and
the craftsmanship tells the story of the
boatbuilder and his available materials.
“We think it’s important people are
still building this way,” Olsen says.
“A lot of these techniques are being
lost. They’re good and they’re valid.
You’ll never see a fiberglass boat
appreciate in value like a wooden boat.
Not many people ever pass down a
fiberglass boat to their grandchildren.
It’s handmade, it’s special.”
“A classic boat town like Wrightsville
Beach should have classic boats running
around,” Heckner says.
Michelle Clark, ALHS, SFR
Accredited Luxury Home Specialist | Broker/Realtor
910.367.9767 | mclark@intracoastalrealty.com
2712 Shandy Lane
Privacy Near Wrightsville Beach
415 Beach Road
Figure 8 Marsh Front
6320 Guinea Lane
Incredible Waterfront w/Dock
2220 Moreland Drive
Landfall Lake
112 B S Lumina Avenue
Soundfront + Large Slip/Lift
Intracoastal Realty Corporation is licensed in NC
309 Fair Lakes Drive
Beautiful Custom Built Home
112 Parmele Boulevard
On “Lollipop” w/4 Slips
For your July 4th and summer cookouts, use dinnerware that
may be composted. Your friends and family will eat a lot of
hamburgers and hotdogs during this summer season. Instead of using paper plates, opt for
plates, cups and utensils made of organic sugarcane which may be found at most natural-food
stores. When it’s time to clean up, toss the dinnerware into the compost pile.