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5424 Oleander Drive, Wilmington • 910-274-1969 • www.jazzercise.com
As an instructor at Port City Jazzercise, Caroline Greenough puts her customers first.
“I enjoy dancing and working out with them each class,” she states. “They are my
inspiration!” However, Jazzercise isn’t Greenough’s only job. She’s been a math teacher
for 16 years. Her experiences teaching high school and college cross over to Jazzercise —
she knows how to make class fun.
“I have learned lots of different types of routines so that I can mix up my set of routines
often,” Greenough states. For more information on Caroline Greenough’s Jazzercise classes,
visit www.jazzercise.com
BRIGHTMORE OF WILMINGTON, “Live More at Brightmore”
2324 South 41st Street, Wilmington, NC 28403 • 910-350-1980
www.brightmoreofwilmington.com • www.facebook.com/brightmoreofwilmington
Acomfortable residence and tempting meals are a small
part of an ideal retirement community. Today’s seniors
want to maintain an equally keen focus on their total
health and well-being. Brightmore of Wilmington makes it easy
by offering opportunities designed to exercise the body, the
mind and the spirit. Our Activities program brings evenings out
to the theater, themed monthly socials, Creative Crafts and chal-lenging
educational speakers. Residents desiring a well-round-ed
approach to health and fitness will benefit from our Wellness
Center which links fitness, fun and a commitment to healthy
living. The Wellness program, led by our Certified Recreational
Therapist, coordinates our program to include yoga, strength
and balance, seated zumba and our Aquatics classes also led by
Arthritis Certified Aquatic Instructors. Available for our residents’
use are resistance weights, treadmills, and exercise bikes to
complete a thorough workout. Brightmore of Wilmington
partners with the OSHER Life Long Learning Institute of the
University of North Carolina Wilmington to offer the 50+ public
an opportunity to participate in Beginning and Intermediate
Water Aerobics and Zumba Gold classes. Classes are scheduled
and advertised quarterly in the Pathways catalog and registra-tion
is completed through the OLLI office.
Come and enjoy the good life that begins with taking charge
of your own health and retirement future! To “Live More at
Brightmore”, visit www.brightmoreofwilmington.com or call
today to schedule a tour.
www.wrightsvillebeachmagazine.com WBM
Erin Rhyne, Brightmore Wellness Center Director