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WBM december 2012
Taste of
The Blockade Runner Beach
Resort played home to the
Taste of Wrightsville Beach on
Saturday, October 27. More than
400 guests sampled food from
local restaurants and beverages
from area distributors. The event
raised $8,000 for Wrightsville
Beach Foundation’s joint beautification
projects with the town,
contributions to the Harbor
Island Garden Club’s holiday
light fund and Stop Hunger Now.
FOR Masonboro
On October 28th guests braved
Hurricane Sandy to attend the
third annual fundraising gala.
Held by Friends of the Reserve,
FOR Masonboro at the Blockade
Runner Beach Resort, attendees
enjoyed music from the Dylan
Holton Band and a live and silent
auction. The event raised $3,100
for sea turtle conservation efforts
on Masonboro Island.
Pghootrahpy by aillnos eopttr Pghootrahpy by Emmy Erraent