When times are tough and expenditures of any kind are
scrutinized to the highest degree, you’ve got to be sure
that every advertising dollar you spend is targeted to the
demographic your company depends on the most. Although
our company has an extensive selection of major appliances
and designer hardware, from the most economical to the
most extravagant, we utilize Wrightsville Beach Magazine to
highlight our higher-end products because WBM’s demographics
are primarily influential, affluent consumers that
know quality when they see it. The attributes of Wrightsville
Beach Magazine, its photographs, articles, advertisers and
accommodating staff, make it an obvious choice for our
advertising philosophy and us.
Thanks, Mark
We at In the Loop love to advertise with Wrightsville
Beach Magazine because we feel like this magazine
encourages its readers to shop, dine and support
local businesses in our quaint, coastal hometown of
Wilmington and surrounding areas.
Ashley Pierce
In the Loop
“Congratulations, WBM, on 12 years of unparalleled
reporting of our area. You have not only been a great
read but also a wonderful marketing tool for us for
more than eight years.”
Landfall Realty
My business is all about reputation and quality, and my monthly ad in
Wrightsville Beach Magazine consistently delivers that message along
with superb content and production. Since the very first placement,
I’ve never failed to earn attention from the kind of readers that I want
as customers. And I’m always surprised by the reach of this local magazine
— I’ve gotten calls from as far away as Germany referencing the
ad seen by a relative while on vacation! Advertising in the magazine
has helped build brand recognition and establish my company’s local
roots. Even with a miserly advertising budget, the magazine is like having
a big, well-connected family casually, and repeatedly, dropping my
name. Priceless!
Pamela Fasse,
President, Fasse Construction & Development, inc.
Forward thinking style, energy and economically efficient construction, personal
“We have been pleased that Wrightsville Beach Magazine
has offered a professional method of branding our practice
through print advertising. The magazine consistently has
beautiful photography and classic, relevant stories that we
are proud to place our advertising next to. Congratulations
on your 12 year anniversary.”
Michelle Dupree and Beth McConnell
Bodies in Balance
“One of our marketing challenges is to bring people from
Wrightsville Beach and Wilmington “over the bridge” to
Carolina Beach. This summer we had a number of our
new customers tell us they came to our shop because they
heard about us in Wrightsville Beach Magazine. A few of
them even had a copy of the ad in their pocket! We are
able to cost effectively reach our target audience.”
Christine Higgins Co-Owner
Artful Living Group, LLC
... the magazine is like having a
big, well-connected family casually,
and repeatedly, dropping
my name. Priceless!
The magazine consistently
has beautiful photography and
classic, relevant stories that we
are proud to place our
advertising next to.
Over 1 million pri nt readers a year.*
*Based on 5.2 pass-a-long readership as measured by City and Regional Magazine Association survey.
www.wrightsvillebeachmagazine.com WBM