WBM december 2012
kenan Walking into Kenan House, the
great hall is flanked by a grand staircase
and marbled columns beneath
ornate molded ceilings. The warm
yellow walls are brightened by a striking
antique crystal chandelier, a gift
to Sarah Kenan from the Flaglers, her
sister, Mary Lily and her husband, oil
and railroad mogul Henry Flagler.
The Friends of UNCW position
the chancellor’s Christmas tree at the
back of the entry hall where it shines
as a focal point. The outside of the
house is so stately that decorations
are lost on it, Gorham says. The
front door, which is decorated with a
wreath and a garland, needs nothing
more than the greenery adorned by
elegant ribbon, holly and magnolia
leaves, and perhaps a few other
accents, she says.
The Friends apply this approach
throughout both homes, incorporating
the historic elements, keeping
decorations simple where the interior
needs little embellishment and adding
more where the backdrop can
handle it.
In Kenan House, garlands grace
the staircase, accented only by the
occasional ribbon or bow. The dining
room boasts gorgeous floral arrangements,
incorporating a beautiful
antique epergne. Gorham says they
like to use roses, greenery, lady apples
and other fruits — kiwi, perhaps. She
loves to use Ambiance roses, yellow
with red tips, which blend beautifully
with the fruit,
she says.
The home’s antique silver wine
coolers on the sideboard are also used
as vessels at holiday time, and the
mantel is typically styled to match
the centerpiece.