Louise Gorham’s Tips C r e a t i n g S m a s h i n g H o l i d a y C e n t e r p i e c e s
Clockwise from top left: Louise Gorham and Caroline Norelius; Louise Gorham; Cissie Bridger, Caroline Norelius and Louise Gorham; Shannon
Moss; Cissie Bridger.
Vary your leaves. Vary the
shape of the leaves as well
as the shade of green. This
adds more interest to the
Cut long branches of greenery.
You can always cut them back.
“I’d cut at least 18 inches, and
36 inches if you can.”
Use berries. Nadina’s red
berries are great for Christmas
decorating. Though the berries
don’t have to be red, any
berries will do.
Vary the height of the stems.
With a mixed arrangement,
you want the flowers to vary in
Use pine. Many folks like the
short leaf pine for decorating,
but most of what we grow
here is long-leaf. “Just take
the scissors and whack it
off.” It makes a nice filler for
Try corkscrew willow. “This is
wonderful in an arrangement
to give it some movement.
Just place it up over the other
greenery and everything won’t
look so stiff,” Gorham says.
Use cooking spray if you don’t
have plant shine spray. Just
spray lightly and wipe with
a paper towel. This removes
dust and evens out the spray.
“When the light catches that
shine, it gives it a little life,”
Gorham says.
Use fruit. Gorham chooses
lady apples, green apples
and lemons. “I also like to cut
pomegranates and kiwi so the
seeds show. ” The kiwi has
to be replaced more often,
but the pomegranate will
last at least a week or more.
There is no need to treat
the cut fruit; simply cut and
display. Gorham also suggests
artichokes and pineapples. If
possible, she likes to use the
small ornamental pineapples
ordered from a wholesaler.
They are light green and pink
and arrive on the stem.
WBM december 2012
Try floor wax to preserve
apples. Yes, floor wax. Put the
apples on toothpicks and dip
into Future floor wax and let
dry. Do not use on citrus fruit.
It will ruin the fruit and cause it
to mold quickly.
Choose flowers that have
longevity. Gorham likes
chrysanthemums and Fuji
mums. “They last a long time
and look wonderful with the
berries. ” Star of Bethlehem is
also a good choice. It lasts up
to two weeks.
Condition your flowers and
greenery. Recut the stems
on a slant and leave in water
overnight. If possible, use oasis
or water in arrangements.