Scott Riley Consulting • Stellers Gallery introduce
Kate Grant
wa t e r c o l o r s • c o m m i s s i o n s
It is wonderful Christmas again. Our beautiful children grow up so fast.
Give the gift of a glowing watercolor portrait this year to bring joy that will
last a lifetime. To see more of Kate Grant’s work, go to www.katewatercolours.tk
Scott Riley Consulting
Top: Wise House mantle. Want to create your own holiday
centerpiece? Turn to page 44 for Louise Gorham’s decorating tips.
a well-known local metal sculptor, who has been commissioned
for several works around campus.
The ladies replace the flowers and fruit as needed during the
month. Housekeeper Sandra Rowell, employed since 2004,
waters the arrangements. “Sandra holds everything together,”
Claire Stanley says. “She’s the glue.”
“Personally, I feel fortunate to work with great decorators like
Louise, who can visualize and create amazing flower arrangements
and centerpieces,” Karen Thompson adds. “We all learn so much
from her and everybody on the committee brings a certain flair.
We all inspire each other, and the results are really beautiful.”
WBM december 2012