Intracoastal Realty Corporation
is licensed in NC
910-620-8181 (M)
910-256-4503 (O)
Realtor® N.C.
License #58623
WRightsviLLe BeaCh
11 West Henderson Street • $799,000
35’ BOat slip
WRightsviLLe BeaCh
103 Seaside Lane • $859,000
Spectacular View • Fully Furnished
BOat slip
WRightsviLLe BeaCh
316 Causeway Unit B • $1,175,000
Furnished • 4 Bd • Boatslip • Elevator
5 Bedroom • 4.5 Bath
FiguRe 8 isLaNd
154 Beach Road South • $1,399,000
Four Bedroom • Fully Furnished
Grilled Venison
Salad With Wilted
Cabbage, Goat
Cheese Corn Bread
Crostini and
Bourbon Dressing
Serves 8
10 strips Bacon
2 oz Extra virgin olive oil
6 oz Venison, grilled/sliced thin
3 cloves Garlic
1 tablespoon Chili flakes
1 head Cabbage, sliced
Salt/fresh ground pepper
to taste
1 cup Goat cheese
¼ cup Pecans, toasted
In a sauté pan, cook bacon
and add olive oil to the bacon
grease. Remove bacon when
crisp, add garlic and chili
flakes and then the cabbage.
Cook until soft for 3 to 4
minutes, add the bourbon
dressing, toss and mound on serving plate topped with bacon, pecans and your favorite
corn bread recipe; slice thin and spread goat cheese on top heat until warm. Place on top
of the salad.
www.wrightsvillebeachmagazine.com WBM
Bourbon Dressing
1/3 cup Cider vinegar
l tablespoon Light brown sugar
3 tablespoons Bourbon
2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
¾ teaspoon Salt
½ teaspoon Freshly ground pepper
2/3 cup Canola oil
Whisk together vinegar, brown sugar, bourbon, Dijon mustard, salt and pepper in a
medium bowl. Add canola oil in a slow, steady stream, whisking constantly until smooth.