Woody White
— serving southeastern
North Carolina for 18 years
Criminal Defense
All felonies and misdemeanors
in State and Federal Court
Personal injury
Auto accidents
Damages against drunk drivers
Pedestrian accidents
Bicycle accidents
(800) 807-4783
(910) 313-3336
Woody White is a senior partner with
White & Hearne, L.L.P., a general
practice, criminal and personal injury law firm
in Wilmington. Since 1994, Woody has focused
on representing defendants charged with serious
criminal offenses, as well as plaintiffs who have
been victims of negligence or abusive conduct.
Woody is a Board Certified Specialist in State
and Federal Criminal Law, and an experienced
trial attorney. He has received the highest peer
review rating of AV from Martindale/Hubbell.
WilmingtonPersonalInjuryLaw.com • WhiteAndHearne.com
www.wrightsvillebeachmagazine.com WBM
Playa La Saladita, Mexico.
Puente and his sons speechless. In addition
to a quiver of beautiful boards and
gear, they carried aspirin, toothpaste,
medical supplies, toothbrushes and toilet
paper. Before leaving the States, they
creatively packed toilet paper around
the surfboard fins for travel.
“So when we unpacked the surfboards
you know what my relatives were
so enthusiastic about? The toilet paper.”
Everyday items that Americans take
for granted are either too expensive or
just aren’t available for sale. In Cuba,
attendants at the entrance to public
restrooms hand out one sheet of toilet
paper to each person.
The Puentes flew back to the States
several pounds lighter but with a sense
of good will.
“You feel like you have no choice but
to share as much as you have,” he said.
“When it’s all said and done, we have
so much more that’s extra, especially
in our society. It’s beyond what we can
Puente acknowledges it seems easy to
give when you’ve got so much, and yet
he is compelled to give back, not only
because he has so much, but because he
once had so little.