WBM: What style of painting did you use
for the Heide Trask Drawbridge?
RH: That painting is acrylic. Each paint
type has its own little nuance; each
medium has something interesting to
offer. It is a strong image with clean lines
and sharper accurate edges, in comparison
to a watercolor. You have to use the right
medium for each subject matter.
WBM: Is there something in particular
about Roberts Market that made you
want to paint it?
RH: It is a part of everyone’s life; people
have happy memories surfing with
friends. It’s where I met my wife. I would
pop in on a summer afternoon — they
had the best fried chicken (laughs). One
day the lighting was correct and there was
a Coca-Cola truck reflecting on the windows
of Roberts Grocery, and luckily I
had my camera to capture the moment.
WBM july 2011
WBM: What was your inspiration or creative
thinking for the Single Fin series?
RH: I was sitting on the beach with my
surfboard and saw the shadow from
the sun and thought it was an awesome
image. It’s basically about color, fun and
the sun. It’s very simple. I use the surfboards
as a vehicle for color. The simple
shadow makes it seem like the sun is there
and I can see how the colors all relate to
each other.