up front
It’s the September issue of our magazine, and
that means the summer’s heat is
wimmers are training in banks
channel for fall triathlons, the
storm season is at its most
potent and we’re into the final quarter
of the year.
This is a phenomenal issue, packed
— literally — with good things to read
and hold onto.
From the 49-year-old message in a
bottle found on Sable Island in Nova
Scotia, to the Keeley family’s 60 years
of vacations on Wrightsville, to the
semi-annual athletic calendar that
takes us through fall and winter into
spring — it’s a very special issue.
You’ll find so much worth read-ing:
Scuba, by Skip Maloney, fea-tures
diving off our coast with Sue
Mobley and her underwater pho-tography;
Symphony, by Sandra
Chambers, is, oh my, over the top.
Marimar McNaughton’s Home of
Distinction, Under One Roof, will
wow you. Make sure you notice
the “before” photos of this outstanding Figure
Eight redo by architect Ian Johnson
And we have the wonderful 100 Years of Boy
Scouts, by Stephanie Miller, a delightful story
illustrated with photos of the men and boys
of Troop #232, Little Chapel on the Boardwalk,
plus Eagles Scouts we’ve photographed along
the way.
On this page, you can see with me and Eagle
Scout Neal Reaves in a photograph I’ve dubbed:
“Helping the lady out of the tree.” This is the
beloved spreading oak on the Babies Hospital
grounds across from our new office; it’s in my
view every day, along with the pond behind it.
Neal has been in scouting since kindergarten.
He’s from Troop #277, Pine Valley Church of
God (my church), where his dad, Phillip, is the
WBM september 2010
Scout Master. Neal, a senior at Coastal Christian
High School, earned the rank of Eagle Scout
on August 15, 2010, and while posing for WBM
won’t earn him another merit badge, he was
a good sport about doing this photo for your
amusement (and for helping me out of the
Life on earth is short, be a blessing to some-one
coming to an end ...
Helping the lady out of the tree. Eagle Scout and
high school senior Neal Reaves gives Editor/
Publisher Pat Bradford a hand.