wrightsville beach magazine contributors
www.wrightsvillebeachmagazine.com WBM
Justin Jacobs
Features Intern
Justin Jacobs graduated from the University of
North Carolina Wilmington with a BFA in creative
writing. A native of Jackson Hill, North Carolina,
Justin moved to Wilmington four years ago not
only to attend school but to be near his one true
love: the ocean. Nevertheless, he likes the everchanging
aspect of life and has ambitions to experience
the world at its most elegant and at its most
organic. In August, he relocated to San Diego, California,
to see what adventures will make his dream
of being an environmental journalist a reality. If
nothing results right away, well, he doesn’t mind
sleeping outdoors for a while, so long as he can
sleep next to the ocean.
Amanda Thames
Features Intern
Amanda Thames, a rising senior at UNCW, is majoring
in creative writing with a psychology minor.
Her favorite pastime is writing. From dark poetry
to love-story fiction, she loses herself in words. As
a poet, she’s been a finalist in “Natural Steps in an
Artificial World” and has won honorable mention
in the “Weather before T.V.” contest. When she’s not
writing, she’s reading. Thames has read 40 books in
the past six months and hopes to read 100 books
total in 2010. She is very grateful to have had this
experience with Wrightsville Beach Magazine this
summer and hopes to continue writing for magazines
after she graduates in 2011. None of her accomplishments
would be worth anything without
the love and support of her mom and dad, and she
thanks them, here, in print, for being so incredible.
Emily Colin
Writer, With Great Biodiversity Comes
Great Responsibility — Page 24
Regular WBM contributor Emily Colin lives in a renovated
Craftsman bungalow built in the early 1900s,
with one 5-year-old, two large dogs and a musician.
Her identities include mom, freelancer for the
DREAMS Center for Arts Education and other nonprofits,
editor and writer. She holds a BA in psychology
from Duke University and is currently completeing
her mater’s degree in Youth Development. In
her spare time, she reads obsessively, writes as the
spirit moves her and eats good food.
Jamie Walker
Writer, Keeping the color — Page 32
Jamie Walker, born and reared in Kentucky, was
given the gift of Wrightsville Beach summers at a
young age. Enchanted by the Wilmington lifestyle,
by WB at sunrise and by suppers at sunset on the
porch of her grandparents’ sound-side cottage,
she vowed to return permanently and finally did
in 1998. She received a BA in Anthropology at
UNCW and, after traveling out West and abroad,
she returned home in 2003. She started her own
gardening business, The Pocket Gardener, which
she owned, operated and loved for six years. Jamie
now lives on the Northeast Cape Fear River with her
husband, her four-year-old daughter and her twoyear
old twins.
Marimar McNaughton
Writer, HOD: Live|Work|Home — Page 38
WBM homes editor and regular contributor
Marimar McNaughton is the managing editor for
our sister publication, Lumina News. She is the
recipient of several awards from the Southeastern
Advertisers Publishing Association for original feature
writing and the recipient of the Willie Parker
Peace Award from the North Carolina Society of
Historians for Columbia on the Scuppernong, Sweet
Bay Tree Books, 2008. She is also the author of
Outer Banks Architecture, John F. Blair Publishers,
2000, and editor and project manager for Outer
Banks Recipes from the Blue Point Bar & Grill. Marimar
is also a North Carolina Arts Council Regional
Artist Project grant recipient for 2009-2010 and is
co-chairing an Outer Banks Community Foundation
steering committee to restore an authentic
1953 Southern Shores Flat Top. She volunteers for
WHQR 91.3 Public Radio as an Ambassador.