{ w o m e n in b u s i n ess s p e ci a l a d v e rt i si n g s e ct i on }
WBM october 2010
Jennifer France
Big Sky Design, Inc.
4037 Masonboro Loop Road, Wilmington
(910) 793-3992
For 14 years, area residents have looked to
Big Sky Design, Inc. as the resource for interior
design. Jennifer France, president and principal
designer at Big Sky, believes that interior
spaces should be more than what one expects
and be able to enhance a person’s day.
France and Leslie Stachowicz, vice president
and interior designer, have made an impact
in their field. Their work is visible in many area
homes, doctors’ offices, schools, hospitality
venues, clubs and other locations.
“Thanks to the diversity of our projects, and
with much gratitude toward our clients, we’ve
been able to stay strong during this economy
while developing our expertise and resources
in different interior design directions,” France
says. She also credits her strong collaboration
with Stachowicz, who joined the firm in
2001. The two met at the University of North
Carolina at Greensboro design program.
Before it became fashionable, Big Sky
focused on being better stewards of our environment.
“We’re part of the Sustainable Design
Collaborative, established to provide a holistic
solution for people interested in engaging
green living on a variety of levels, including
architecture, landscaping, interior design and
construction,” France explains.
Since opening its doors, Big Sky has
been active in the community. This fall, the
firm is planning a special pre-holiday event
showcasing beautiful design, fabrics and
fashion. All proceeds will benefit two local
nonprofit organizations.
“Watch our blog so you can mark your calendars
and join us,” France says with a smile.
Jean Dergay
Wilmington Blind Shutter & Closet Company
6617 Market Street, Wilmington
(910) 799-8101
A customer came in with her husband to
review Jean Dergay’s plans for a redesign of
their bedroom closet. Jean and the couple
worked together for about 45 minutes.
When the meeting was over, the husband
and wife came around the table, gave Jean
a hug and left the store — just another
day at Wilmington Blind Shutter & Closet
Company. “I love that my customers feel like
giving me a hug when they leave instead
of just walking quietly out the door,” laughs
Jean, her husband Tom, Sally Middaugh
and Alex Heinze are open and friendly with
their customers because it drives everyone
involved to deliver the highest quality work.
“You really do care about what happens to
their homes. It’s special to them, so it’s special
to us,” Jean says.
“It’s easy for us to please our customers,”
she continues. “We carry and display all of
the beautiful products of Hunter Douglas.
They’re an innovator in design and beauty.
Their customer service is excellent, and we
agree with their theory: Service is the most
important ingredient for pleased and happy
The other side of the business, closets,
also requires a lot of direct contact with the
customer, as each design is unique. The
work requires the staff to really listen to
what the customer wants and then deliver it.
For shutters, blinds and closets, making the
customer happy is Jean Dergay’s mission.