“I did that pro bono because it was inspiring to me. She’s in
remission. If she relapses, she’ll have to go through a bone marrow
transplant, and I would go through that with her again,”
Holloman says.
Her second documentary explores the kinship between a grandfather
and a granddaughter.
“I always appreciated the relationship that granddaughters have with
their grandfathers because my grandfathers died when I was young.”
One little girl, who loved horses, was met by her grandfather at
the bus stop every day. Holloman followed them to the stables,
where they rode together every afternoon. Her photos show the pair
riding horses, the grandfather teaching his granddaughter — watching
her — and the two of them sitting in the stables together.
Seen through Holloman’s eyes, it’s hard to tell where the work
stops and the living begins. Walking through her home, it’s difficult
to discern what is authentic and what she has added to this interior
Holloman’s creativity spills over into the out-of-doors, where
there are more vignettes, a flat rock terrace out back; a Coca Cola
box planter on the front bungalow stoop. Her Wilmington-based
business also ripples across the state and, once a year, into a major
metropolitan area in an annual workshop she calls “Love Affair.”
Held in a different city each year, Love Affair took Holloman to
Dallas last month, where she and her colleagues lead the week-long conference.
WBM october 2010
The experience is something she blogs about on her website.
“It’s all about helping other women to balance their life. The whole
premise of the workshop is that women have all these things we have
to do — like have families — all these responsibilities — like have
kids and have husbands … how do we do what we love and not cheat
in one area of our life and be able to do everything?”
home of distinction
A day bed, reserved for out-of-town shooters who travel to
Wilmington for big assignments, expands to sleep two staffers
or overnight guests, top. Above left, work stations furnish the
bungalow’s den. A hall bath is refurbished with period fixtures.
Holloman’s succulent pot garden lines the steps of her front stoop.