Lori Rosbrugh
Lea, Rhine & Rosbrugh
314 Walnut Street, Wilmington
(910) 256-6808, (910) 772-9960
Lori Rosbrugh, partner in the law firm
of Lea, Rhine & Rosbrugh, practices family
law — prenuptial agreements, separation
agreements, alimony, custody, child support,
equitable distribution, and divorce.
“Going through a divorce can be stressful
enough without having to worry if you have
the right attorney,” Rosbrugh says. To make
this process as painless as possible, she stays
by her client’s side every step of the way.
“Working with a limited number of cases
allows me the opportunity to focus on the
details and provide individual and personal
attention to my clients.”
Detail is important to Rosbrugh, not volume.
“Building a high-volume practice has
never been my goal,” she says. This is evident
in the way she crafts her first appointment,
which includes a thorough “discussion
of realistic expectations, obtainable goals
and the financial and emotional costs of
divorce. The first few hours I spend with a
client are the most critical,” Rosbrugh says.
Thirteen years as a divorce attorney has
taught Rosbrugh how to be an effective
advocate, and she is grateful for the opportunity
to help her clients “successfully transition
into a new chapter of their life.”
Rosbrugh’s own life is intimately connected
with Wrightsville Beach, where she
has an office at The Landing, acts as Chair
of the Wrightsville Beach Planning Board
and volunteers at church, school and scouts.
Married for 18 years, Rosbrugh has two
sons. Her strong connection with her own
family gives her the strength and stability
to meet the demands of a job that requires
close attention to both legal and emotional
Rosbrugh’s clients are the winners here
— benefiting from their attorney’s strong
work and personal ethic.
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