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Halley White, DDS, MPH
Halley White Pediatric Dentistry
8115 Market Street, Wilmington
(910) 686-1869
“Early exposure and education is key to a
lifetime of healthy smiles,” states Dr. Halley
White DDS, MPH. “We follow the recommendation
of both the American Academy
of Pediatrics and the American Academy
of Pediatric Dentistry when it comes to the
first dental visit: A dental home should be
established by age one or within six months
of the eruption of the first teeth.”
It is obvious by the appearance of Dr.
Halley White’s office and the attitude of her
team that Halley White Pediatric Dentistry is
a place to “Grow happy Grins.” Practicing in
Wilmington since 2007, Dr. White lives here
with her two young daughters, her husband
John and their rambunctious yellow lab,
Gus. The daughter of an Army surgeon, Dr.
Halley was exposed early on to the benefits
of proper healthcare. At age 15, she knew
she wanted to open her own pediatric
dental practice. After earning a Bachelor’s
Degree from Dartmouth College, she went
on to receive her Doctor of Dental Surgery
Degree, Pediatric Certification and a Masters
Degree in Public Health from University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Whimsical murals cover the walls of Dr.
White’s office, while state-of-the-art equipment
allows the team to perform with
optimum efficiency. Children may relax in
comfortable chairs while watching movies,
and parents may accompany their children
to help aid in the experience. “Parents are
key players in the development of healthy
oral habits,” states hygienist and treatment
coordinator Nancy St. Onge. “Allowing them
to be a part of the process shows the child
that this is important, and we are all on the
same page.”
Halley White Pediatric Dentistry specializes
in dentistry for infants, children, adolescents
and children with special needs. Located on
the 2nd floor of the Medac building in Porters
Neck, the office is open Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and
Thursday from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.
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