Rasmussen moved to Wilmington from Chicago one year ago.
He had very little open-water experience.
“The best way for me to meet new people is to get involved
in athletics,” says Rasmussen, who owns an outdoor adventure
tour company with his wife, Myra. He became involved with
the local sporting community by joining the YMCA TriClub.
“I kept overhearing people at the TriClub talking about
swimming in the channel.”
He asked YMCA TriClub coach Alicia Uhl where to go.
“Alicia and the other people in the class said to try the
Blockade Runner, so I just showed up and jumped in and
hoped I wouldn’t be a bother to anyone. There was a learn-ing
curve as to constantly stopping and looking around,”
Rasmussen says. “I had to learn to be always aware and not
to just zone out.”
In October 2011, while riding his tri-bike on Lumina
Avenue, Rasmussen was struck by a work trailer. He suffered
a herniated disk in his neck, as well as extensive damage to his
nose and cheekbones. Any other person might consider these
sorts of injuries rather serious, but for a guy who leads mara-thon
races along the Inca trail, the injuries seemed miniscule
when compared to other possible outcomes. For Rasmussen
it was a long road back to swimming. In late January he
returned to swimming in the pool.
Those first few swims proved very difficult. Due to his
injuries, turning his head to breathe was almost impossible.
He was finally able to get back into open water after months
of tedious physical therapy.
Like La Fave and Smith, Rasmussen has a passion for being
outside, feeling the sun on his face, and the warm water all
around him. According to La Fave, if you’re going to swim
distance there is no more beautiful place to be.
La Fave says, “In a pool you’ve got to go back and forth,
flip turn after flip turn, counting your laps. When you swim
in the channel, it’s almost like you forget you’re exercising.”
Y Dub Tri Club members finish a swim at the south end before running back to their starting point at the Blockade Runner Beach Resort.
Left to right, Andrew Wilson, Ben Bowie, Kim Basile, Dr. Peter Kramer, Leanne La Fave, Sam Catlett, Dr. Ryan Stanley, Beth Sheppard,
Brian Campbell and Ty Rabon.
WBM september 2012