Cape Fear Custom Painting
Incorporated since 1995, specializing in coastal homes
Jay Rivenbark • 910.619.1021
reclaimed floors were delivered by
the owners of an Amish mill in West
Virginia. The chestnut is also used to
plank a barrel ceiling in the vestibule
between J.W.’s home office and the cou-ple’s
master bedroom suite. The rounded
ceiling reiterates the corridor’s curved,
arched double doors and entryways. In
the master, the bed floats beneath high-vaulted
ceilings buttressed by exposed,
wood beams.
From exquisite carpets and fabulous
wallpapers, to molded wainscoting and
coffered ceilings, Lesli Musselwhite and
her team of advisors have rendered an
elegant, understated year-round home
upstaged only by contemporary chan-deliers
and walls sconces, and a timeless
selection of marble, granite and glass tile.
Lesli’s friend, Paula Sewell of Red Door
Designs, helped her in the beginning. She
also complimented the Southeastern Tile
Connection team for helping her appoint
the unique stone and tile finishes, along
with their arrangement and placement
in the kitchen, in bathrooms, on counter
tops and stacked around the fireplace.
J.W. says, “I give Lesli 95-percent credit
for everything in this house.”
Aside from a collection of black and
white prints photographed by South
Carolina friend Henry McDuffie, the
other five percent can be found framed