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WBM august 2012
this dramatic
backdrop Lesli Musselwhite has
staged a five-bedroom home to host
the couple and the four children they
“I tried to do two rooms more
masculine because there are two
boys,” Lesli says. The two girls’
rooms overlook the west lawn. This
house was designed for entertaining
large groups of family and friends.
Architectural designer Scott
Sullivan says he worked with the
couple for three or four months to
achieve harmony while balancing his
clients’ wishes for a high-end finale
with an on-site swimming pool as the
“The pool landed underneath the
house,” Sullivan says. “The pool went
in first and the pilings went in sec-ond,”
he explains.
The new VE Flood Zone regula-tions
spell out a 14-foot first-floor
height requirement with an addi-tional
two-foot freeboard creating
ample volume beneath the house for
the lanai with the pool and hot tub.
The design was also driven by the
desire to capture the beautiful water
views to create volume and sightlines
from the street side to the waterside,
and to open the floorplan, Sullivan