All of the chemical parameters need to be followed in traditional
chlorinated and saltwater swimming pools with the addition of
salt concentrations and anode maintenance in a salt pool.
requiring the addition of soda ash to raise it. All of the chemical
parameters need to be followed in both types (pH, chlorine, alka-linity,
cyanuric acid, calcium, TDS) with the addition of salt concen-trations
and anode maintenance in a salt pool,” he says.
Potter sees issues with adding a saltwater system to a non-saltwater
WBM august 2019
“The most prolific destroyer of pools is the addition of a salt sys-tem
when the pool wasn’t built to handle it,” he says. “That includes
the halo effect, which is when the salt penetrates the deck and
leaves a cloudy ring around the pool, especially at exits.”
As far as upkeep goes, both traditional chlorine and saltwater
pools have their pros and cons. Maintenance for chlorine pools is
more hands-on but the up-front cost is lower, while the chlorine
generator required for saltwater pools raises initial costs but can
make ongoing pool care simpler.
Experts differ on whether one kind of pool is more cost-effective
than the other over the long term, so homeowners should evalu-ate
the decision on factors like the type of maintenance activities
involved and other lifestyle considerations.
So, is one really better than the other? You decide. Either way,
when you’re cannonballing into the nearest pool, now you know
the difference.