building of distinction
functional as well as decorative.
“That is the actual structure of this building,”
Webb says. “It goes back to a time when you used
to see it around Wilmington a lot, downtown, at
Wrightsville Beach. When homes were built, instead
of covering up the rafters like they do on newer con-struction,
they left them exposed. You go inside and
you see the structure also. The electrical conduit and
sprinkler piping was left exposed in the dining and
porch areas. This aided in keeping with the charac-ter
of the building, while providing visual interest
The building is designed to take advantage of the
natural light — it isn’t shaded, although surrounded
by trees— and the breezes coming off the river.
There’s a corrugated-metal trimmed cupola with
large fixed windows over the bar. Clear garage doors
and vinyl walls roll up, opening the view and allow-ing
the air to circulate, and seamlessly blending the WBM
outdoor and indoor seating.
Customers can stroll along a tree-lined boardwalk behind the restaurant before
and after meals. Adirondack chairs and a fire pit on the deck provide a place for