The Big Chill, 36 x 48 inches, acrylic on canvas.
expressionist painters are known for their creativity and flexibility, and
for their devotion to process over product.
“I like the happy mistakes,” she says. “Once when I was painting, I
had a big jar of white gesso in my hand; it fell on the floor and shot up
onto the painting I’d been working on. I couldn’t believe it had hap-pened,
it too seriously because you can always paint over it. There are a lot of
mistakes and deletions in painting, so if you make a mistake, just paint
over it!”
Creating unique, collectible pieces and monumental, emotionally
charged nonobjective paintings, Vineyard is an artist whose work will
surprise, excite and engage.
shade of shockingly vibrant red, the artist calls attention to the flat-ness
of the canvas and creates movement and contrast through large
swaths of color and a subtle layering of paint.
In “The Big Chill,” Vineyard utilizes a complex system of mark-mak-ing,
washes, layering and paint removal. She combines this variety of
brushstroke and paint quality with a high-contrast color palette of icy
purples and blues and brilliant shocks of bright red and orange. This
dramatic technical style both calls attention to the flatness of the can-vas
and encourages the viewer to engage emotionally with the piece.
One of Vineyard’s strengths is her ability to embrace the unex-pected
and adapt to accidents during the creative process. By embrac-ing
the medium as the defining characteristic of their work, abstract
but I thought I’d try to make something out of it. I never take
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